VI Systems participated in many European projects with wide range of Partners.
VI Systems participated in many European projects with wide range of Partners.
PERFECT (01.06.2022-31.05.2024).
High bandwidth optical wireless transmission for secure communication
Current LiFi systems use wide beams to illuminate an area in which the user can move freely. Multiple users share the available bandwidth and the LiFi systems assigs time and frequency blocks for each of them. Going beyond the bandwidth limitation that is created through that, requires a new approach based on transmitter arrays. By arranging several transmitters in an array and using a lens for imaging, mobile users will receive data through individual narrow beams. The goal of the project is to design a profound LiFi system concept targeting specific applications in which high speed wireless communication with high stability and security are required.
VI systems is responsible for the design, development and integration a VCSEL-array for a high-speed and high-power LiFi transmitter with imaging optics suitable for optical beam steering at 10 Gbit/s per user/designated area.
VIS is proud to cooperate in this project with following partners: Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications (Germany), Exatel SA (Poland), Warsaw University of Technology (Poland).
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the program for promotion of research, innovation and technology ProFIT of Investment Bank Berlin IBB. Project Nr. 10184214
Dieses Projekt wird kofinanziert durch den Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung [EFRE] durch Pro FIT - Frühphasenfinanzierung-Programm der Investitionsbank Berlin.
Green ICT-E4C (01.01.2022 – 31.12.2024)
Extreme Energy-efficient Edge Cloud Hardware
E4C is an innovative concept for a scalable computer architecture, which consists of specialized computing nodes and a new type of data bus structure made up of optical and wireless communication links. It can be used in edge servers in virtualized 5G radio access networks and has an energy saving potential of up to 90 percent. In the project, the BMBF envisages an innovative solution for a core problem of 5G base stations, which in future would have to bear a considerable amount of energy for the distribution of computing load in virtualized radio access networks.
In this project VI Systems develops short-reach VCSEL-based interconnects operating at very high energy efficiency and a new compact packaging design that includes waveguide coupling for on-board interconnects.
VIS is proud to cooperate in this project with following partners:TU Dresden (Vodafone Stiftungslehrstuhl für Mobile Nachrichtensysteme, Institut für Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik, Professur für Compilerbau, Professur für Schaltungstechnik und Netzwerktheorie, Professur für Hochfrequenztechnik), eesy-IC GmbH, ficonTEC Service GmbH, First Sensor Microelectronic Packaging GmbH, GCD Printlayout GmbH, Micro Systems Engineering GmbH, Nokia Bell Labs (associated), Vodafone (associated), Globalfoundries (associated), Cloud&Heat (associated), National Instruments (associated)
This project is funded by the German Federal Government Programme for Research and Innovation (BMBF) 2021-2024 (Green-ICT) under the project Nr. 16ME0426K
SAMOA-NET (01.08.2021-30.07.2024)
Spatial Multiplexing in Optical Access Networks
In the "Spatial Multiplexing in Optical Access Networks (SAMOA-NET)" project, the transmission of data using spatial multiplexing over optical multi-core fibers in optical access networks is being developed. Multi-core fibers differ from today's glass fibers in that they have several cores in one fiber instead of one. A separate light signal can be fed into each of these cores, which leads to a multiplication of the possible light signals transmitted in parallel. Based on a jointly developed system concept, the essential components for data transmission are developed. This includes innovative VCSEL emitters, the multi-core fiber itself as well as flexible coupling and decoupling of light into the multi-core fiber. Finally, a system demonstrator will integrate the individual components and show the feasibility of different network architectures for an optical access network.
VIS is proud to cooperate in this project with following partners: Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications (Germany), Heraeus Quarzglas Bitterfeld GmbH & Co. KG, VI Systems GmbH, HOLOEYE Photonics AG, VPIphotonics GmbH, Nokia Solutions and Networks GmbH & Co. KG, Bell Labs
This project is funded by the German Federal Government Programme for Research and Innovation (BMBF) “Forschung Agil - Raummultiplexing in faseroptischen Netzen” under the project Nr. 16KIS1425
IC2020 (01.11.2020 – 31.11.2021)
INNOSUP Project IC2020
The Horizon 2020 “Innovation in SMEs” (INNOSUP) programme of the European Union aims to test new approaches for better innovation support through funding opportunities for innovation actors across Europe. It consists of innovation-support measures designed to provide opportunities to Member States and regions to enhance their services to SMEs through collaboration, peer-learning, and testing new approaches that facilitate SMEs’ access to customers, capital and competencies. VI Systems completed succesfully the innovation project in the field of next generation electro-optical interconnects for data rates of 224 Gb/s.
OVERSCAN (01.01.2018 – 31.12.2020)
The optical fibre vibration and deformation sensor based on multicore optical fibre and VCSEL array technologies
Development of vibration and deformation sensor that is capable of distinguishing deformation direction within 360 degree range, its amplitude with µm sensitivity and deformation frequency with range from 1 Hz up to 50 000 kHz and potentially more. Such sensor will be reliable in terms of high environmental durability, highly sensitive and potentially scalable in terms of its application range and mass production possibility. Such sensor will possess all advantages associated with optical fibre sensor technology that include:
- no electrical current in sensor area that ensures safety of operation in explosive environment,
- low power consumption due to the employment of VCSEL technology,
- possibility to operate in high temperature range (from -40 ⁰C to 500 ⁰C),
- scalability of optical fibre technology that may enable to construct vibrational sensors of variable length (from cm to tens of meters range),
- possibility to implement sensing part in considerable distance to light sources and detectors,
- low weight and size enabling the sensor to be implemented in tight areas often met in robotics, aviation and space industry.
This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the program for promotion of research, innovation and technology ProFIT of Investment Bank Berlin IBB.
Fast Bits - Elektro-Optisches 100-Gbit/s-Übertragungssystem
Einkanaliges, latenzminimiertes 100-Gbit/s-Übertragungssystem als Enabler von echtzeitfähigen Anwendungen bis 400G für Datenzentren, 5G-Infrastruktur, Industrie 4.0, Cloud und Internet der Dinge (IoT).
Anforderungen für Echtzeit:
Einkanaliges, latenzminimiertes 100-Gbit/s-Übertragungssystem als Enabler von echtzeitfähigen Anwendungen bis 400G für Datenzentren, 5G-Infrastruktur, Industrie 4.0, Cloud und Internet der Dinge (IoT). Entwicklung eines kosteneffizienten, latenzminimierten, einkanaligen elektro-opti-schen 100-Gbit/s-Übertragungssystems, das sowohl die Echtzeit-Anforderung als auch die 4-fach gestei-gerte Datenrate für 400G-Enterprise-Networks- und Super-Computer-Anwendungen der nächsten Genera-tion wie z.B. Remote-Medi-Care erfüllt.
More information will appear soon.
Photonic Transmitters for Optical Networks and Interconnects in energy-efficient datacenters, supercomputers and home based on VCSELs
To match the demand of the productivity of modern computing systems, which is growing three orders of magnitude per decade, the single interconnect channel bit data rate should double each 2.5 years and the number of channels per link increase 5-fold each 10 years. Until recently copper was the dominant interconnect technology ($120 billion). At higher frequencies the electromagnetic losses and cross-talk are drastically enhanced, and new technologies are required. Since 2012 60 thousands energy-efficient optical links made of multimode fibers (MMF) powered by Vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are used in a single rack of supercomputer. Due to its small size, circular surface emission pattern, low operating current and a narrow spectrum VCSELs result a low cost, energy-efficient optical modules. Bit date rates up to 14Gb/s over 100m are reached by the industry. Scaling of the device to higher speeds is challenging as the modulation bandwidth is increasing as a square root of the drive current, while the degradation accelerates exponentially. At higher pulse frequencies the transmission distance rapidly decreases with pulse broadening.
The way to match the speed upgrade is to apply advanced nanotechnology concepts.
- Properly designed ultrathin strained narrow gap insertions as gain medium drastically enhances the modulation bandwidth at the same current;
- Introducing of strained barriers preventing the nonequilibrium carriers’ escape from the gain region allows further improvement of the modulation bandwidth and reliability;
- Optical design by oxide-confined aperture induced diffraction allows single mode operation extending the transmission length.
VI-Systems GmbH was first to pioneer and ship VCSELs transmitters up to 40Gb/s over 100m, far beyond the limits at that time. 54Gb/s OOK transmission significantly exceeding 1 km of multimode fiber is achieved with pilot devices. VIS will commercialize its novel interconnect technology and extend it up to 50Gb/s per channel.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 666866.
About Horizon 2020 SME Instrument
As part of the Horizon 2020 program, the European Commission is hand-picking potentially disruptive businesses to invest and support as part of the SME Instrument. More information can be found on the Internet at
ADDAPT (01.11.2013 – 30.04.2017)
Adaptive Data and Power Aware Transceivers for Optical Communications
Existing optical networks are driven by dynamic user demands but operate statically at their maximum performance and do not offer much adaptability. Thus the links are not energy-efficient. ADDAPT aims at the development and technology take-up of dynamic transceiver subsystems. By implementing performance and power adaptivity from system down to optical device, electrical circuit and transistor level, flexible energy-efficient optical transmission links are enabled which pave the way for massive reductions of CO2 emission and costs. Depending on the actual data load, the number of activated link paths and individual device parameters like bandwidth, clock rate, modulation format and gain are adapted to enable lowering the supply power. Several control types are investigated: cognitive adaption based on predetermined or time averaged loads and real-time adaption. Driven by control units including smart algorithms, the devices can be tuned from 8 to 56 Gb/s. Novel adaptive directly modulated lasers and photodetectors designed for near-field light coupling are developed to allow self-aligned low-cost waveguide assemblies with minimum optical power losses. Laser bandwidths beyond 30 GHz and power consumption can be traded off and controlled by driver circuits. Circuits such as amplifiers, drivers and clock data recoveries are designed in energy-efficient 14 nm CMOS and can be adjusted via current sources, dc/dc converters and switches. VIS designs epitaxial wafers and processing routs and provides epitaxial material for VCSEL and PINs. First single mode (>30db SMSR) VCSELs at >1.5mW having a modulation bandwidth >27GHz are demonstrated. Jointly with partners developing multi-rate 56Gb/sx1 and x4 electronics and packaging partners the project creates a path towards digital 56Gb/s transmission and next generation devices suitable for 100Gb/s at 50GBaud.
The project is funded by the European Commision through the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Project Nr. 619197.
Technische Universität Dresden
VI Systems GmbH, Berlin
IBM Research GmbH, Rueschlikon
Argotech AS, Nachod
Politechnika Warszawska, Warsaw
Compound Semiconductor Technologies Global Limited, Glasgow
Primetel PLC
Tyco Electronics Nederland BV
NEWLED (01.11.2012 – 30.10.2016)
Nanostructured Efficient White LEDs based on short period superlattices and quantum dots
NEWLED will develop high efficiency and high brightness monolithic and hybrid all-semiconductor WHITE light-emitting GaN-based diodes. NEWLED should also enhance the efficiency of bright red and yellow InGaAlP/AlGaAs LEDs by bandgap engineered superlattices. Novel light extraction approaches will target advanced directionality and colour adjustment. Values of 50 to 60% overall efficiency with a conversion of greater than 200 lm/W in the exploited warm white LEDs are targeted as well as the realization of a colour rendering index (CRI) of greater than 95. Advanced packaging will enable effective heat dissipation and light management. The devices will have immediate applications in automotive, industrial lighting and displays industries.
Widespread implementation would reduce global energy consumption by approximately 10% and reduce CO2 emissions by 3Bn tonnes with consequent economic and environmental benefits. Presently a strong improvement is realized for LEDs in the range of 580-610nm with strain-induced barrier engineering on substrates strongly misoriented from (100) direction is demosntrated. Injection lasing at 620nm is realized.
The project is funded by the European Commision FP7-ICT - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Information and communication technologies. Project Nr. 318388.
University of Dundee
Osram Opto Semiconductors GmbH, Regensburg
Technical University, Berlin
Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Valbonne
VI Systems GmbH, Berlin
Top-Gan SP ZOO, Warsaw
Compound Semiconductor Technologies Global Limited, Glasgow
Universita Degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Rom
M-Squared Lasers Limited, Edinburgh
TTY-Saatio, Tampere
Soft-Impact OOO, St. Petersburg
Lux-Tsi Limited, Pencoed
Vilniaus Universitetas, Vilnius
COLIBRI (01.11.2013 – 31.12.2015)
Compact Lasers with Increased Brightness
The task is to develop broad spectral range lasers suitable for frequency conversion over the complete blue-red spectral range. High power lasers and gain chips having a flat gain curve across 900-1260nm range are demonstrated at temperatures up to 150oC. Lasing at 1.26 µm is realized on GaAs substrates. Novel approaches based on the tilted wave laser (TWL) concepts enabled lasers with ultrabroad waveguides >30 µm with duo-lobe emission pattern with each lobe having a full width at half maximum below 2o. Beam quality (M2) factor ~1.4 is achieved for a single mode making two-arm external resonator geometry easy. Focusing of the double beam with a single lens transforms the split beam into a Bessel like beam with further conversion to Gaussean. Coherence of the waveguide-copuled stripes up to 100 µm pitch sizes is demosntrated. Fequency converted green lasing and direct red laser emission in TWL lasers is demosntrated.
Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
VI Systems GmbH, Berlin
SEPIANet (01.07.2011 – 31.12.2013)
System embedded Photonics in Access Networks
The project aimed to develop technology solutions for embedded optical architectures in access network systems to allow significant reduction in power consumption, increased energy efficiency, system density and bandwidth scalability, which is currently unfeasible in today’s copper driven access network systems. VIS provided 850nm and 1300nm VCSELs and modules for 10Gb/s data transmission
Xyratex Technology Ltd. Havant
Fraunhofer Institute, Munich
VI Systems GmbH, Berlin
ILFA Feinstleitertechnik GmbH, Hannover
TerOpta Ltd., Nottingham
Conjuct Ltd., Livingston
Optical Link/Eurostars/Eureka
(01.11.2009 – 31.12.2011)
Development of integrated optical technology for short range, ultra high speed active optical data cables
In the frame of the project 10-25Gb/s single mode VCSELs and PIN chips were developed for flip-chip assembly.
Lionix BV, Enschede
IHP GmbH, Frankfurt/O.
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V., Munich
Tyco Electronics Nederland BV, `s-Hertogenbosch
VI Systems GmbH, Berlin
VISIT (01.06.2008 – 30.10.2011)
Vertically Integrated Systems for Information Transfer
The project focused on strategic, high-value photonic components and subsystems for scalable economic broadband access and local area networks. The central objective was research on, development, test and exploitation of system-enabling optical transmitters having a completely novel design and/or largely improved functionality as compared to the state of the art. Asa result vertical cavity surface emitting lasers both with current and electro-optic modulation have been developed. 40Gb/s error free operation was demonstrated for the first time an chip and module levels. Digital multitoned and QPSK transmission beyond 20Gb/s was realized in current- and electro-optically-modulated devices.
Technical University Berlin, Institute of Solid State Physics, Berlin
VI Systems GmbH, Berlin
Cambridge University, Department of Engineering, Cambridge
Chalmers University of Technology, Photonics Laboratory, Göteborg
IPLS/Intel Ireland Ltd., Kildare
Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg
Riber S.A., Bezons
Tyndall National Institute, Cork, University College Cork – National University of Ireland
Epinova GmbH, Freiburg
IQE Europe Ltd., Cardiff
HiTrans (01.06.2008 – 31.05.2010)
Grundlagen für hochbitratige Transceiver für Optical Interconnect Anwendungen
The project addressed optical micro-subassemblies for data trasnmission up to 40Gb/s and beyond and included bot optical componets VCSELs and PD chips, driver and amplified electronics and microassmlies permitting TO-can modules capable to temperature-invariant 28Gb/s data trasnmission up to 85oC climatic chamber temperatures. Open eye diagrams up 50Gb/s were demonstrated with VIS modules. VIS developed and protected unique microassemply package and optical coupling scheme of the optical subsassembly reaching ultimately low total power (-10dBm) for 28Gb/s trasnmission at bite-error-ratio 1E-12.
VI Systems GmbH, Berlin
IHP Frankfurt/Oder
EZconn Europe GmbH, Berlin
Technical University, Berlin