Our high frequency test laboratory allows a detailed analysis of the electro-optical performance of chip level devices. For general bandwidth measurement a sine wave frequency generator for up to 40 GHz is used. Our laboratory is equipped with a 70 GHz sampling oscilloscope. For optical test a 32 GHz detector for 700nm to 1600nm is available. Specific optical data modulation characteristics and eye-diagram measurements of up to 128 Gbit/s can be performed. Our bit pattern generator generates a range of standard pseudo random bit sequences from PRBS7 to PRBS31. We can test NRZ or 4-PAM modulation. For high speed test of short reach application at 850nm to 940 nm wavelength a range photodetector and photoreceiver modules with for up to 112 Gbit/s are available.
50Gb/s 4-PAM VCSEL optical signal
40Gb/s 4-PAM electrical signal
Sampling Oscilloscope
