VI Systems presents results on novel yellow diode laser at 599–605 nm

VI Systems presents results on novel yellow diode laser at 599–605 nm

VI Systems publishes the results of a novel type of diode laser which is emitting in the yellow-orange spectral range (599 – 605 nm wavelength). Target applications are medical use, industrial spectroscopic analysis and ultra-high precision optical atomic clock.  

VI Systems published the results of prototype manufacturing of solid state diode laser. The lasing in the yellow-orange spectral range from 599 – 605 nm wavelength was demonstrated at room temperature in a laboratory environment. The device is single mode in the vertical

direction (fast axis and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) in the slow axis was measured at an lateral angle of 24° for diode laser of 1mm length). In pulsed mode operation at 40 kHz an average power level of 1mW was achieved.

Today commercially available lasers of this spectral range are mostly based on frequency doubling of the laser light from an infrared laser diode by means of a nonlinear crystal. A diode laser can be used for medical applications, industrial spectroscopic analysis and ultra-high precision optical atomic clock.

The publication is available with free access at The publication is titled  “Room-temperature yellow-orange (In,Ga,Al)P–GaP laser diodes grown on (n11) GaAs substrates”.

VI Systems will present at the 2018 Advanced Research Workshop Future Trends in Microelectronics: Vingt Ans Après, June 10-16, 2018, Sardinia, Italy


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