The IEEE P802.3db 100 Gb/s, 200 Gb/s, and 400 Gb/s Short Reach Fiber Task Force confirmed the PMD for 100 meter distance as follows:
Define a physical layer specification that supports 100 Gb/s operation over 1 pair of MMF with lengths up to at least 100 m
Define a physical layer specification that supports 200 Gb/s operation over 2 pairs of MMF with lengths up to at least 100 m
Define a physical layer specification that supports 400 Gb/s operation over 4 pairs of MMF with lengths up to at least 100 m
The new addition will allow large data center operators to use cost effective optical data communication based on multi mode cabling and VCSEL based transceivers also for 100 Gb/s per channel. The IEEE standard is expected to be completed by June 2022.