VI Systems announces 100G VCSEL for SWDM

VI Systems announces 100G VCSEL for SWDM

VI Systems announces the availability VCSEL and photodetector chips for 100 Gbps data transmission per channel applying PAM-4 modulation. Engineering samples are available for 4-channel shortwave wavelength division multiplexing (SWDM). VCSEL chips are available at wavelengths of 850 nm, 880 nm, 910 nm and 940 nm. The photodetector D30-SWDM-C1 chip is available for 850 nm to 960 nm with an optical modulation bandwidth of 40GHz and a responsivity of 0.5mA/mW when coupled to 50 µm core multimode fiber. All chip samples can be offered as singlets or 4 x 1 linear arrays with a pitch of 250 µm.

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