VI Systems announces the availability VCSEL and photodetector chips for 100 Gbps data transmission per channel applying PAM-4 modulation. Engineering samples are available for 4-channel shortwave wavelength division multiplexing (SWDM). VCSEL chips are available at wavelengths of 850 nm, 880 nm, 910 nm and 940 nm. The photodetector D30-SWDM-C1 chip is available for 850 nm …
VI Systems will present an invited talk during the SPIE Optics and Photonics conference Spintronics XIV (OP111) from Aug 1-5, 2021 in San Diego, CA. The purpose of the conference is to provide a broad overview of the state-of-the-art and perspectives, bringing together experts from different commu-nities: fundamental physics (experimental and theoretical), materials science and …
The following presentations from VI Systems will be scheduled for oral presentation at the Photonics West conference in San Francisco, CA, USA in the week of 6-11 in March 2021: 1.”VCSEL development for 100G transceiver applications with increased transmission distance over multimode fiber” 2. “NRZ, DB, and PAM4 performance for short-reach VCSEL-based optical interconnects” Join …
VI Systems presents a tutorial in the track D section “Device, Optical Components, and Fiber” with the title “High Speed VCSEL Technology and Applications” Details can be found at…
VI Systems presented on Apr 23, 2020 at the IEEE 802.3 100 Gb/s per lane optical PHYs Study Group. The objective of the group is a lower cost, short reach, optical PHYs using 100 Gbps wavelengths. The public access to the study group can be found at The presentation of VI Systems is available …
VI Systems presented on Apr 28, 2020 at the IEEE 802.3 Multi Gigabit Automotive Optical PHY Study Group. The objective of the group is an optical interconnect with data rates of 50 Gbps suitable for the extendend automotive temperature range of - 40 to 125 deg C. The public access to the study group can …
VI Systems will present new breakthrough achievements at OFC Conference 2020. Stay tuned for more updates closer to the conference:“Development of VCSELs and VCSEL-based Links for Data Communication beyond 50Gb/s” (M2A.3)Presenting Author: Nikolay Ledentsov jr.Mon, March 9, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PMSession Title: Advanced Active ComponentsLocation: Room 1A“Optical Interconnects Using Singe Mode and Multi Mode …
VI Systems will present on February 5, 2020 from 3:40 – 5:30 PM at the Photonics West conference the latest achievement on hight temperature operation VCSEL chips for optical data communication applications. Paper title: “Quantum-dot oxide-confined 850-nm VCSELs with extreme temperature stability operating at 25 Gbit/s up to 180°C”, Nikolay Ledentsov et al. (Invited Paper). …
VI Systems sponsors the EPIC World Photonics Technology Summit on February 3, 2020 in San Francisco, CA, USA at the St. Regis San Francisco Hotel. This event is EPIC’s highest-level technology meeting. The meeting gathers 150 experts and leaders from industrial companies around the world to discuss photonics technology developments, applications, and challenges. For more …
VI Systems will present two invited talks at the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC) 2020 from 8 – 12 March 2020 in San Diego, California, USA. 1."Development of VCSELs and VCSEL-based Links for Data Communication beyond 50Gb/s”2. "Optical Interconnects Using Singe Mode and Multi Mode VCSEL and Multi Mode Fiber" Visit us in …